3 plus 1 Feature: Christian Dirschl

Christian Dirschl (Chief Content Architect / Wolters Kluwer Germany) is responsible for the content structures, metadata, taxonomies, and thesauri within Wolters Kluwer Germany. He manages text mining and automatic topical classification projects.

Vienna supports businesses

The Vienna Business Agency provide various funding opportunities for innovative ideas, start-ups and cooperation projects.

Getting to grips with semantics in enterprise search

While the term 'Semantic search' has become a buzzword on the search market, the concepts behind it remain unclear for most end-users.

MarkLogic and the power of triple stores

With a Triple Store you can model data as RDF triples. Triples are atomic, so they are easy to create/combine/share.

How EBCONT uses semantics to improve business workflows

How a software integrator can ease the editorial process, optimize production and deliver outstanding user experience by utilising technologies like MarkLogic and semantics.

Do not miss!! Utilizing linked geospatial data for your enterprise

Possibly one of the most interesting and promising outcomes of the activity surrounding the Web 2.0 evolution has been the large-scale adoption of Linked Data.

How semantics empower learning innovation

Klaus Tochtermann is a professor at the Institute for Computer Science at Kiel University and the director of the ZBW – German National Library of Economics – Leibniz Information Centre for EconomicsThis interview provides you with a preview on his keynote. Take a look on the future of libraries and see how they can successfully position themselves beside Google.

The future of search relies on semantic technologies

Peter Mika knows how search works. He is the leader of the semantic search innovation unit at Yahoo. We are very happy to welcome this very talented researcher and hands-on practicioner at SEMANTiCS 2015.

How semantic technologies transform public administration

Simon Dalferth is an advisor to the directorate at the Council of the European Union for strategic developments on information and knowledge management. He is also strongly involved in the Open Data initiatives of the public body.

Simon will share his project experience as a speaker at SEMANTiCS 2015.  

Take a first look how the public administration can benefit from semantic technologies and Open Data. 

Semantic technology in an interconnected world

Sam Rehman is another distinguished keynote speaker of SEMANTiCS 2015. He is currently the Chief Technology Officer of Arxan - a security provider for IT applications. Sam is a proven technology evangelist and leader with over 25 years of experience in both leading product development and professional services at such companies as EPAM Systems and Oracle.Enjoy a preview of his talk about semantics and the Internet of Things (IoT) by reading this interview.


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