This was SEMANTICS 2016

Our 2016 Conference in Leipzig, Germany, was again an impactful event, combining informative talks with interactive and enlightening discussions. Over 270 attendees joined the SEMANTiCS Conference, making it a rousing success!

European Linked Data Award given to Projects in Education and Legal Sector

(Leipzig, 14.09.2016) Now in the second year the European Linked Data Award presents two winning projects coming from the legal/law domain and the research/ed

Enriched Industry - Special Sessions

You want to do a deep dive into topics with growing relevance in industry? You want to really understand some aspects, or, want to double-check your ideas with other experts

Where will we stay with semantic technologies in 10 years time?

Michael Martin is involved in the future of semantic technologies all around the clock. According to his own statement, he sees his work more linked to the small daily steps in a world of growing data than the large utopias of a digital future.

Get to know our Gold Sponsor Ontotext with its current project Pheme

With not only being a global leader and innovator in the area of semantic graph databases, linked data and cognitive computing but also being one of the first companies to recognize the power of Se

How to turn your company’s content into information - Gold Sponsor Mekon Ltd.

Every company has hidden treasures. Content is generated on a daily basis but too often this content is not really identified, properly managed and distributed.

Taking data quality assurance as an opportunity and not only duty

Prof. Dr.Eng. Martin Gaedke is one of the leading German experts in the field of Web Engineering and Linked Data. He is Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technical University Chemnitz and Head of Chair of Distributed and Self-Organizing Systems, where he has been conducting research on optimized interaction between people, software services and cyber-physical systems for many years.

Attend and contribute to the SEMANTiCS 2016 @ University of Leipzig

The 12th edition of the SEMANTiCS, which is a well known platform for professionals and researchers who make semantic computing work, will be held

How to discover hidden semantics in multimedia content - Gold Sponsor MICO Project

With the rapid growth of multimedia content on the Web and in corporate intranets, discovering hidden semantics in raw multimedia content is becoming one of the biggest challenges.

How do semantic technologies enable the Internet of Things?

After his first contribution to the situation and future of the Semantic Web Sebastian Tramp, CTO of eccenca GmbH and Executive Coordinator of the Linked Enterprise Data Services (LEDS) project, arguments why the vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 cannot be realized without semantic technologies.


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