A brief talk with Jan Voskuil

We had a brief talk with Jan Voskuil, cofounder and CEO of Taxonic and its recent spin-off, OntoPharma. Read all about it here!

A brief talk with Enno Meijers

Enno Meijers works as an information manager at the National Library of the Netherlands and an invited industry speaker at Semantics. We had a brief talk with him, read it here!

A brief talk with Laura Hollink

We had a brief talk with Laura Hollink, data science chair at SEMANTiCS2017 and a researcher in the Information Access research group at CWI, the Netherlands' national research institute for mathematics and computer science. Read here what she has to say!

A brief talk with Erwin Folmer and Alwin Sixma

The Dutch platform for Linked Data (PLDN) is media partner for Semantics 2017. Former chair Erwin Folmer and current community manager Alwin Sixma share their experiences. Read all about it here!

A brief talk with Bernhard Haslhofer

Bernhard Haslhofer is a Data Science Chair at Semantics 2017. He's looking forward to the Data Science Track which premieres this year. Bernhard is especially curious about all submissions that...

A brief talk with Christian Dirschl

We had another interesting talk with a Semantic Web expert: Christian Dirschl. Read all about it here!

A brief talk with Victor De Boer

Our second interview was with Victor De Boer from VU Amsterdam. Check out what he has to say...

A brief talk with Prof. Tassilo Pellegrini

We had a brief talk with Prof. (FH) Dr. Tassilo Pellegrini (conference co-chair) from St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences.

Amsterdam is waiting for you!

Expect a fully packed 2-days conference framed by workshops and the   DBpedia   Community Meeting  to a 4-days experience in one of the most dynamic cities in Europe.

Josiane Parreira

The SEMANTiCS conference offers a good mix of academic and industry participants, making it a great place for exchanging ideas and views on different topics. Its Job Fair offers industries the possibility to contact people with very interesting profiles.


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