The Semantic Asset Administration Shell

The disruptive potential of the upcoming digital transformations for the industrial manufacturing domain have led to several reference frameworks and uncountable standardization approaches. On the other hand, the Semantic Web community has elaborated remarkable amounts of work for instance on data and service description, integration of heterogeneous sources and devices and AI techniques in distributed systems. These work streams are, however, mostly unrelated and only briefly regard the opposite requirements, practices and terminology.We contribute to this gap by providing the Semantic Asset Administration Shell, a RDF-based representation of the Industrie 4.0 Component. We provide an ontology for the latest data model specification, created a RML mapping, supply resources to validate the RDF entities and introduce basic reasoning on the Asset Administration Shell data model. Furthermore, we discuss the different assumptions and presentation patterns analyze the implications of a semantic representation on the original data. We conduct an investigation on the thereby created overhead and conclude that the semantic lifting is manageable also for restricted or embedded devices and therefore meets the conditions of Industrie 4.0 scenarios.


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