No AI Without Human Intelligence!

SEMANTiCS 2019 Workshops & Tutorials Chair Irene Celino is the Head of the Knowledge Technologies group at Cefriel in Milano, Italy. She focuses on Human Computation and Semantic Interoperability, and putting back the “human in the loop” in information processing. Irene discusses these areas and this year’s workshops and tutorials.

Beyond hype and pessimism: FAIR data and services

SEMANTiCS 2019 Keynote Speaker Michel Dumontier is a Distinguished Professor of Data Science at Maastricht University. His research focuses on the development of computational methods for scalable and responsible discovery science. In this interview Michel provides an overview over the core principles of FAIR in the biomedical research domain.

AI is Machine Learning ++

Volker Tresp holds degrees from Yale University and University of Goettingen. He is a Distinguished Research Scientist at Siemens where he has been the head of research teams in machine learning. He was the inventor of the year of Siemens in 1996 and has filed 70+ patent applications. In this interview, Volker talks about use cases and promising developments in AI

Try not to move the data.

SEMANTiCS 2019 Keynote Speaker Michael J. Sullivan is Principal Cloud Solutions Architect at Oracle. He has 20+ years experience as a senior architect and tech lead responsible for custom integrated Customer Experience and Digital Experience solutions to Fortune 1000 companies using the Oracle stack. Michael talks about making the most of enterprise data and typical.

Semantic APIs: Give Applications a Common Language

SEMANTiCS Proceedings Chair Maria Maleshkova is Assistant Professor at the University of Bonn. Her research covers the Web of Things, semantics-based data integration and beyond. Maria talks about these areas, the limitlessness of future applications and benefits of publishing in the SEMANTiCS proceedings.

Semantic Technologies for Digital Humanities

This year's SEMANTiCS conference features a special sub-topic called Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. Through this call, we invite research progress, research challenges but also case studies and industry submissions. Victor de Boer from VU Amsterdam provides fascinating examples for the use of semantic technologies there.


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