Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 16:45 to 17:30
In 2023 there will already be more than 8 billion active voice assistants worldwide. Automation is the only way how to manage all of these conversations; however, more complex conversations remain a challenge due to the lack of comprehension for the underlying semantics of the conversations. In this talk we will show how knowledge graphs can dynamically drive conversations.
Alexander Wahler
Alexander is CEO and co-founder of Onlim. He is in charge of business development, strategy and investor relations. Alexander has been a successful serial entrepreneur in the SaaS industry for over 15 years now and graduated in electrical engineering at the University of Technology Vienna.
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Dieter Fensel
In 1989, Prof. Dr. Dieter Fensel earned both his Master in Social Science (Free University of Berlin) and his Master in Computer Science (Technical University of Berlin). In 1993, he was awarded his Doctoral degree in Economic Science, Dr. rer. pol. (Doctorate on Political Science), from the University of Karlsruhe. In 1998 he received his Habilitation in Applied Computer Science.
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